Sunday, December 3, 2006

Sunday December 3rd 2006

Today was sunday and we decided to drive out to Järavallen and go for a walk in the forrest. We've recently discovered that we walk too little and have gotten a hold of two of those little pedometer-thingies and try to walk the recommended 10.000 paces per day. That's if you want to loose a bit of weight. Normally you should do abut 6000 paces per day. So we try and do somewhere between 6000-10.000 every day. Today we did 8000 paces in the forrest alone. My pedometer is on 11.000 paces right now, so it was a good walk indeed.
Of course a walk like that isn't just all about how many paces we take and so. It was also about getting away together a bit. No computers, no tv, no music, no distractions. Just the two of us and a huge forrest with a hell of a lot of trees. Walking out there we both felt uplifted and free somehow. No clichees here or anything, it was just very quiet and peaceful except for us talking and having a genuinely nice time. I'm not much of a nature person myself, Johan has always been though. But I really enjoy these walks of ours. We talk and laugh and have such a great time just the two of us with nothing interferring. All the worries in the world couldn't bring me down when we're walking hand in hand through the green. Now there's a clichee for you all. Have a great sunday!
D <3

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