Sunday, December 10, 2006

Sunday December 10th 2006

After just about 6 months in Sweden with no physical problems at all, I last night had my first encounter with a Swedish doctor. In the end I had to give in to my stomachpains and Johan took me to the emergency room last night just after midnight. It was quite scary to me as I'm not able to speak Swedish and was scared that I wouldn't understand them or they wouldn't understand me, and that that would somehow affect the examination of my stomach. But we were met by a really nice Swedish doctor who decided to give his rusty circus Danish a try and mixing it with a bit of Swedish, which made me 100% able to understand everything he said. His evaluation was that I have a colon infection and that I need to wait it out a bit and see if I get better and if I don't, they need to determine exactly which bacteria we're dealing with and then they have to start treatment with either antibiotics or whichever drug is needed. So am feeling a little poorly today to be honest. Haven't really left my bed for anything but a shower and don't think I will. Bed = goodness.
And thankfully I have Johan here to support me and hug me when it hurts too much. He truly is my rock and I love him more than anything in the world.
Life sometimes pulls such surprises on us it's hard to understand why we are not in any control of it ourselves. I'm thinking of you, Marianne and Morten. <3>Have a peacefull sunday everyone and as always - rock it!

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