Monday, May 7, 2007

It's a new dawn, it's a new day...

  • Currently reading: Donald Spoto's "Marilyn Monroe - The Biography".

  • Currently hearing: Fall Out Boy's "Infinity on High"
  • Days until Birthday: 21
It's a new dawn, it's a new day and time for some changes. A layout change for the blog, provided by my fiancé Aulin, and an attitude change for the author. I've been sulking about not getting the job I was at an interview for and really that's silly. In all fairness you don't always get what you want, right? And there'll be plenty other jobs and opportunities, I know that much.
Life truly goes on and never have I been as much reminded of that as recently. Is there anything more pathetic than people who keep stirring up trouble about the past? People who will go to any length to try and avenge their hurt feelings or maybe just the fact that they didn't get things their way. And funnily enough even when approaching the rather ridiculous matter with mature intentions, the counterpart doesn't seem to get the idea. In stead the little exchange of opinions is taken as some sort of blame shift. And in stead of leaving the matter at peace another bout of insults is spread into cyberspace. Here's my advice on the matter: Let sleeping dogs lie. Grow up, you might actually like it.

Well, I'm the kind of person who keeps her promises. And I promise that this blog is a drama-free zone. So now that I have spoken my mind it's over and done with. There will be no mention of it ever again as it's in my past and my past fits nicely where it is. Let's look towards the future in stead, it's far more exciting!

My friend Nadine provided me with the advice of the day: "Chin up girl or you'll get wrinkles on your neck". Stay wrinkle free rockers and keep your chins up!

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