Saturday, August 23, 2008

D minus 5

I did it! I had a personal goal for August. I wanted to lose 5 kilos and today when I weighed myself I was exactly 5 kilos lighter than when we started just over 4 weeks ago. I still have over a week left of August, so I'm excited to see if I'll lose even more. The diet still has it's rough days, but I think it's finally beginning to feel like a routine. I've gone more than a month without chocolate! Can you believe it? I hardly can since that's always been my number one vice. I'm not only a chocoholic, I'm a chocojunkie. But now that I've lasted this long without it, I don't really need it anymore. And no, that's not me trying to be all 'oh I wouldn't ever eat it again and I'm so good', because I'm not going to live a chocolate free life. I'm just not going to eat it often. And I think that's the whole key for me and a healthier lifestyle. I can't eat sugary things too often, but I won't totally deprive myself of them either, because wouldn't it become a very boring life if you couldn't ever treat yourself to something?

Yesterday I spent the day with a bunch of my colleagues. I had a wonderful time with them and I'm so happy that we're all getting along so well. I often feel sad because I left a huge part of my life back in Århus and my social life isn't what it was, but these wonderful women are helping me fill a void in my life.

Today I feel like it's kind of awesome to be me. But hey, you can't spell awesome without 'me' can you?


Johan said...

Actually, we started just *under* 4 weeks ago, so it's even better. :)

Ditte said...

We did? Oh... well yay then :P

Leila said...

That's great! Och det där med att aldrig äta choklad vet vi är bullshit. haha Jag ska t ex tillåta mig själv att äta crap en gång i månaden, OM jag nu skulle vilja det that is.
D, I'm so proud of you!

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