Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Diagnosis Known

I'm torn between worry and relief. Mostly I'm relieved though. I've had a feeling for a while that I might have PCOS ( ) and today it was confirmed. I have PCOS and will need help to get pregnant. But before I'll get the help I need to lose weight. To lose weight - I'll need help. "I think you should consider a gastric by-pass. You're a perfect candidate", the gynocologist said. But I'm not up for that - am too scared and I really, truly believe that with the right drive I can do this myself. I lost 10 kilos before christmas, but gained a lot again (typical, right?) and the first goal the gyno made was 15 kilos. I can lose that without a gastric by-pass, right? After the 15 kilo weightloss I'll begin hormonal treatment and they'll probably put me on Metformin ( ). Metformin also helps the weightloss, so I'm optimistic that I can do this without surgery. The Metformin also stimulates the eggs and I'll hopefully start ovulating and thereby become pregnant. Whatever happened to dinner and dancing, eh? I'm relieved that I now have a reason why I'm having such a hard time losing weight. I'm active, I eat healthy and I shouldn't have a belly like Santa. But I do and now I know why. Definitely a huge relief - even if the weight thing worries me at the same time. I can do this! 15 kilos to go ... gooooo me!


La Nere said...

gooooooooooooo D! of course you can do it! and what better motivation than to get pregnant?

you know you can do it girl! just don't give up *huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugs*

Johan said...

*Rob Schneider voice*: You can DO IT!

Seriously though, yes you can. It won't even be that difficult, since we've both done it before. We'll just have to struggle a bit more with *staying* on the diet.

Anonymous said...

You WILL do it, Ditte!
You are strong enough to go for it and you are strong enough to stay on this diet - as you know what it'll be for.

Ditte said...

Thanks guys <3 :)

Leila said...

Vad bra att du fått ett svar på VARFÖR saker är som de är. Detta kommer du klara galant! Och det är inget som säger att man kommer vara barnlös bara för att man har PCOS. FFS, finns massor av kvinnor som har det som bara ploppar ut ungar! haha

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