So douse yourself in cheap perfume....
- Currently hearing: The sounds of Johan's PC game
- Current mood: Amused
- Number of burn wounds due to kitchen clumsiness: 2

Summer is upon us and as tradition is, I got my first tiny sunburn. In all fairness I don't burn very easily and it is a rather pathetic burn, but hey I found it worthy of a quick mention in the blog. And with that out of the way we can carry on. What we will carry on with I have no clue about, but I'm open to suggestions... No? Well alright then.
Johan and I spent the last couple of days by lakes and ocean just enjoying ourselves and relaxing. It's been great, but something has struck me. Swedish people are very skinny aren't they? And they seem to be rather unable to adjust to the more plump people (such as myself), who have decided that they too have every right to go outside in a bathing suit and get a good tan. I've at times during the last couple of days actually felt like a circus freak and it annoys me that it has to be like that. I see loads of people around with slightly odd looking breasts, bums, noses, feet - whatever! But you don't see me giving anyone 'the look'. Why are we so fixated on physical appearance and since when has it become a fashion show/meat market going to the beach/lake on a Sunday afternoon? Is there a unwritten rule that if you're overweight you're not allowed on the beach? Because in that case I didn't receive that memo. Funny thing is that a lot of people would probably write my annoyance off as lack of self confidence and true, I somewhat lack self confidence, but at the same time I could have been a big bomb oozing self confidence and it would have made absolutely no difference. People would still stare at the heavy girl and think 'My my... there's someone who shouldn't be wearing that'. It's actually quite funny come to think of all these TV shows promoting higher self esteem these days. 'How to look good naked' is just one to mention. They spend four weeks helping a lady with her physical appearance, but the whole idea is that she doesn't have to loose an inch! Not a single pound, because you are beautiful as you are. Mmmm... the nice lady gets a make over, feels wonderful about herself and starts dressing more appropriate according to her size.. I suggest we then slap a bathing suit on her and send her off to any Swedish lake and see how soon the stick insects can bring her back down to her original low level of self esteem. Could be an interesting experiment. I'd love to say I don't care when people give me 'the look', but I actually do. I think it's belittling. I think it's unfair and childish. And very shallow indeed. Someone recently claimed to me that all women want to look like the people they see in magazines. I actually don't, I'd very much just like to look like me... A perspective change in general where all shapes, sizes, colours and forms would just be accepted as they are would taste much better in my tea.
Beauty is skin deep as they say. You can buy expensive designer clothes, wear tons of make up or even
Douse yourself in cheap perfume it's
So fitting, so fitting of the way you are
You can't cover it up
Somehow the stink gives you away
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