- Currently hearing: Daughtry
- Currently watching: Marilyn Monroe 'The Screen Goddess Collection' DVD box
- Current obsession: My spanking new electric juicer

Some things in life make you truly happy inside. It can be a perfect moment with your loved one, a beautiful song, a sunrise or sunset, a memory or smell that takes you back to early childhood bliss, a hug from a grandparent, the taste of a dish that just tickles your
taste buds exactly as it should... Or it could be this little fluffy dog pictured above. 15 days in the company of
Basse leaves such an empty hole when he's gone. How can I love a dog so much? It actually doesn't puzzle me to be honest.
Basse is energetic, dedicated, loyal, fun and dependent on my care, and it's not for one second unclear that he loves me unconditionally. He's happy to see me anytime of the day, even if I only left the house for 3½ minutes to get the groceries from the car. He'll sleep by my feet all night and the happiness that little bugger exudes when asked 'Do you want to go for a walk?' (or any words that rhyme with '
Skal vi
gå en
tur?') is just contagious. He makes me
genuinely happy inside, even when I don't think I am. And that's a little dog worth loving with every fibre of my being.
On Tuesday we returned from some time in
Århus. I went over to have some last tests made and then we stayed and celebrated my birthday. So I'm 27 now... which funnily enough feels a lot like being 26.. or 25 for that matter. No big difference there except I can now get cheaper car insurances.
Woooo.... And also it means I'm a tiny step closer to 30 - D's official firstborn child limit. Oh dear, oh dear. Jokes aside I had a really nice birthday with lots of great presents and my parents took me and Johan out for a luxurious meal. I was spoilt rotten by all my near and dear ones and I felt really special. Thanks to you all. You made a girl very, very happy.
I got to see Marianne a few times during my stay in
Århus, which was really nice. I miss her often and so it's important to see each other when we can. Johan and I had an awesome time with Marianne and Morten Friday night and it was just so nice to see how much we've grown. Four years ago we'd probably have been drunk and behaving like fools in a local pub, but on this night we just had so much fun, laughed a lot and it was ten times more comfortable than the many times we've been out drunk and stupid. Marianne means the world to me!
Today is Mir's
wedding day! I'm sending all my thoughts and best wishes to the bride and groom. Hope you'll have a wonderful day and that you'll have a long, happy and
love filled life together. To the bride and groom!
Overall, the last couple of weeks were awesome. I know I haven't been around much and I've totally forgotten to blog, but no worries, all is well. I discovered a lot about myself while being in
Århus - a city I have fallen totally out of love with. I'm strong even if my
self confidence fails. I have never felt good about myself, and I probably never will, but that doesn't mean I don't like myself. I feel I have become closer to my parents than I ever was by letting them see a side of me they never knew. I think I scared them, but at the same time I allowed them to be my parents - a job they're the only ones suitable for. ;) It's been rough but worthwhile and I am coming out of this happier than ever. I found some peace in the words of Chris
Daughtry: '
You're not a person; You're a disease'. Most diseases can be cured, you just have to find the right medicine. And even if it tastes awful and you have a hard time swallowing it, you'll be a healthier you by just getting it down. So I'll pop the pills, down the oils and swallow my mixtures and be rid of my disease forever.