Just because you can't spell 'drama' without a D...
Days until Birthday: 13
- Number of worn out nerves: about a million-zillion
- Kilos lost: 2 (yay!)
- Currently hearing: Linkin Park "Minutes to Midnight".
Ah! Here I am again. Today featuring a little dragonfly I made from glass beads. I actually made several of the little dudes so far - out of pure boredom. But hey, job applications are out not much more I can do until I hear something from someone.
You're wondering about the title aren't you? I figured as much. I promised a drama-free blog and I'll stick to my promises, but I will let you in on some thoughts I'm left with after a little bump in the drama-highway aka the Internet:
Are cultural differences so significant that they don't only cause misunderstandings and awkwardness, but also cause total and utter lack of common tact? Can culture/nationality actually be the basis of an entire lack of tact and sympathy for fellow human beings?
A few years back I came to an understanding that was probably a little out there, but never the less it struck me that as a starting point all people are somehow evil. 'Has she lost it?', you're wondering, but no. Think about it. We harm others, judge them, back stab, lie, cheat, condescend, ridicule, hurt, belittle etc. - all the time. Sometimes we don't think of it at all, we just do it naturally, almost like an instinct. But is that cultural? Can someone actually hide behind 'in my country....'? To me there are different levels of 'evil'. With some it's really very innocent and seems to come from a otherwise respecting and caring human being. But then there are people who just totally lack all respect for others. They walk all over other people's alabaster-white feelings with muddy wellington boots while acting high and mighty, hiding behind 'cultural differences'.
Taking it a little further not only cultural heritage is a well working invisibility cloak, one can also at all times open a can of 'democracy, freedom of speech and dictatorship'. And if that doesn't work there's the good old fashioned insult, you know one step above 'yo momma is so fat...'-jokes. The insult that punches the air out of your opponent while you smirk along thinking you'll stand victorious.
It's all so textbook. Yet it surprises me every time how low people will sink to either belittle others or just to redeem themselves. Do I need to make you look bad to make me look good? No, I don't, because making you look bad makes me look worse. Kind of simple logic really. But never the less people are interesting and so are their conflicts. Often the bullies are in reality the bullied, which is an intense fact in itself.
I could go on and on about this, but I think my point is made. You can't spell 'drama' without D, but this D is one step ahead of it.
Rock on rockers! D.
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