Monday, May 21, 2012


Endnu en gang har der været lidt stille. Jeg har brugt mine aftener på noget jeg faktisk har savnet rigtig meget, nemlig at brodere. Det sidste lange stykke tid har jeg ikke orket nogle af mine yndlings sysler. Det kommer og går lidt i perioder. Og det er egentlig ærgerligt, for hver gang jeg kommer i gang igen, så minder det mig bare om hvor sundt det er for mig at fordybe mig i det kreative. Jeg bliver sådan lidt "Rain Man"-agtig og forsvinder helt ind i det jeg laver. Og før jeg har set mig om er en hel aften gået og så skal jeg i seng. Bedst af alt er, at jeg i mellemtiden har glemt at tænke, fundere og bekymre mig. Og det er da guld værd!
Jeg er i gang med at lave små broderier med skovens dyr. Tanken er, at de skal dekorere børneværelset når vi engang går i gang med at indrette det. Nu må vi se om jeg stadig synes det når vi når så langt. Men om ikke andet er de hyggelige at lave.

Nu kryber jeg i seng. I morgen venter endnu et tandlægebesøg. Puha, det kræver vist en god nats søvn...

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Another awesome give-away!

GIVEAWAY, originally uploaded by m_agda.

Magda is having another give-away and naturally I'm going to enter it. She truly makes the loveliest miniatures and one day I hope to get my hands on some of her jewellery. Entering her give-away should be a good start.

So go on, have a go yourself. All you have to do is go to and read the conditions of the give-away. And may the luckiest person win (i.e me - hopefully!)

Monday, June 7, 2010

Goodnight sweetheart goodnight

RIP Sophus the family cat, originally uploaded by DitteBB.

Sophus our dear family cat was put to sleep on Monday the 7th of June. He was 15 years old and was unfortunately very ill. Luckily he's had a long and good life.

He will be missed <3

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Turning 30 didn't hurt

I've been a little late with updating the blog, I'm sorry! I promised to come back and tell you about my 30th birthday weekend, but I got caught up - as usual. If you expected me to be back so soon to post, you really should know me better than that by now ;)

So, on May 28th I turned 30. I've been anxious about that for a while and as the day grew near I was feeling worse. But I had arranged to go over to spend the day with my parents and to have a small birthday party for some of my friends and family on the 29th. Actually I had decided to let it slip by in silence, but I decided that there might be a point in making it a memorable day. That way I would connect turning 30 with something fun and pleasurable, rather than it being a tough bite to swallow.

Johan picked me up from work on the 27th and we set off to Århus, so I'd be there for my actual birthday and not just for the party on the 29th. We drove for about 4 hours and when we arrived both my mum and my dad were home. We sat down and my mum got me a cold Pepsi Max and we talked about my day at work. Suddenly I heard my sister's voice. She was coming up the stairs, singing a silly song she and I started singing on each others' birthdays years ago. For a second I stopped breathing. You see, she wasn't supposed to be there. My sister lives in Wales and for her to be there ... well that just wasn't possible. My initial reaction was total surprise - then I started crying like a baby! I hugged my little sister so tight for ages and just couldn't believe she was there. But she was! My parents and her had been planning this all along. It was by far probably the most amazing thing they could ever do for me. Little did I know, they had more things up their sleeves...

On the 28th my family - mum, dad, little sister and Johan - woke me up with the traditional Danish birthday song and breakfast. On the table were so many presents, I couldn't even believe it. I had already gotten an amazing gift since my sister was there, but my parents had more in store for me. The first present I opened was from them and once again they surprised me beyond compare. They had bought me a Nikon D3000 - and it was beautiful. I couldn't believe it! It has been such a big dream for me to have a real SLR camera and now I do thanks to my amazing parents, who made the dream come true. My sister bought me a cute charm for my Pandora bracelet, a tiny little silver Nemo (you know, Finding Nemo, Nemo) and a box of my favourite chocolates and sweets that I normally get when we visit them in Wales. I absolutely love Finding Nemo, so for her to find that - well that just proves how well my dear sister knows me. Johan bought me a huge Hello Kitty, which is like a mixture between a pillow and a softie and I love it! He also did something so sweet and thoughtful: he got his friend Kalle to buy all sorts of different Hello Kitty things while he was in Japan. I had been rambling about Hello Kitty chopsticks, because I saw a TV programme where a little girl bought a lunchset with Hello Kitty chopsticks, and Johan remembered that and got Kalle to find them for me. Such an awesome and thoughtful gift. I was completely overwhelmed.

The rest of my birthday was spent in Århus city centre and out and about. We had a mission that day: to get the fabric for my wedding dress. And we did (pssst, check my previous post ;) ). We had a lot to prepare for the party the following day and so we spent most of the day getting things ready. It was by far the best birthday I can recall in all my life - and I mean that, seriously.

On the 29th we had the birthday party. It was a great day spent with family and friends. I was so happy to get to spend some time with Marianne and Morten, who I just don't get to see enough. There were many guests, including my in-laws, who came all the way to Århus to celebrate me. It was a wonderful day, which I can't imagine I would have wanted any other way. I received many lovely gifts and I'm so grateful for that.

On the 30th we headed on home. Johan and I had to drop K off at the airport on our way back. I'm always sad to say goodbye to my family and so it turned out to be a very emotional day. Not only because I had to say goodbye, but also because I had an amazing time, where all my anxiety about turning 30 just vanished and it became such a memorable weekend, which I will never forget and forever cherish. I owe my family and friends all my gratitude for what they have done for me.
Much love to you all from a 30-year-old D with a smile on her face.

Monday, May 31, 2010

A sneak peek at something special...

I'll let you guess what this is. To me, it's the beginning of an exciting adventure.

I'll return with a blog about my awesome 30th Birthday weekend tomorrow.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Long time no see...

Råå beach, originally uploaded by DitteBB.

...would probably be a pretty suitable thing to write right now. Once again I've had so much to do that I've totally forgotten about my poor blog. I'll try to see if we can catch up:

Work? Baaah, let's not go there.

Upcoming birthday? Will be celebrated in Århus with family and friends. I'm not letting it pass by in total silence even though that was my initial idea, but we're not making a huge deal of it either. My birthday is on Friday, but we're having people over at my parents' house on Saturday to celebrate. I'm really thankful to my parents for doing this for me.

Wedding? Invitations are almost done, but not printed and sent yet. On Friday, while we're in Århus, my mother is taking me out to pick fabrics for my wedding dress. I'm really, really looking forward to that. We have the pattern and the general idea of the dress ready, but then there are lots of things to take into consideration: lace? Beading? Length? Will be fun looking around different fabric stores and getting ideas. Hopefully I'll get exactly the kind of dress I want.

Summer holidays? We're heading to Århus for a week in July for holidays with my family. Kat is coming home from Wales, but Al won't be coming this time. He doesn't have enough holiday to come over this summer. I think J and me will head over to Wrexham in late July for a week or so. Apparently EasyJet has opened a route from Copenhagen to Manchester, which is much cheaper than SAS, so we're going to check that out this year.

Crafts? It's been veeeeery quiet in that area lately. I just haven't had the time and being crafty demands time and ideas. I haven't really had much of either, so for the time being it's on a hold. Last time I sat down by the sewing machine things didn't go my way and I had a bit of a hysterical break down, to be honest. Haven't sewn anything since, so it might be a good idea to sit down and give it a go again soon.

And with that I think we're up to speed.

Today we did some serious cleaning in the flat. First of all I got rid of all the clothes that were piling up in my closet unused. It's never easy getting rid of clothes, shoes and other accesories, but it's just one of those things that needs to be done. We then went on to cleaning the flat, which at the moment is sparkling and fresh smelling. I'm going to enjoy that for the rest of my Sunday. I have tomorrow and Tuesday off, so I'll be relaxing and who knows, I might just pop by with yet another blog...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Oh no she didn't!

Oh yes she did! We started our day a little late today. We slept until 10.30am and then got up and cooked Sunday brunch. We had American pancakes, crispy bacon and orange juice. Was so yummy. Not the healthiest alternative, no - but oh so good!

After brunch we went to a couple of flea markets in Ekeby. It's always fun to go and have a look and see if you can find a real bargain. I found a couple of things for the house. I'm in love with both the serving platter and the little vase. And naturally I can't say "no thanks" to a crochet hook.

The rest of the day is going to be all about lazing about and doing as little as possible. I'm going to bake us a pizza a little later and then I think we'll watch some TV. Lazy Sunday, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

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